No credit card required Cancel anytime
Upgrade as you grow
14-day trial gives you a free account, upgrade the same account when your trial period ends.
Billed $120 per year
$ 120/yBilled $239 per year
$ 239/yBilled $480 per year
$ 480/y
Invoices & Quotes
100 /month |
500 /month |
Unlimited |
Cloud POS
Price List
Target & commissions
Installments Management
Loyalty Points
Offline POS Terminals
1 Included$13 /month/per extra 1 Included$10 /month/per extra |
100 |
300 |
Unlimited |
Follow Up Clients
Membership Management
SMS Integration
Unlimited Products Count
Purchases Management
Suppliers Management
Track Stock
Track Serial / Lot / Expiry Date
Purchase Cycle
Expenses Distribution
Warehouses Count
1 |
3 | 5 Included$13 /month/per extra 5 Included$10 /month/per extra |
Expenses & Incomes
Chart of accounts
Auto Journal Entries
Cost Centers
Assets & Depreciation
Ledger Reports
Cheques Cycle
Treasuries & Banks
2 |
5 |
Unlimited |
Financial Statements
$2.64 /month/per each $2.2 /month/per each | $2.64 /month/per each $2.2 /month/per each | $2.64 /month/per each $2.2 /month/per each |
Attendance Management
Organization Structure
Extra Users
$8 /month/per extra $6 /month/per extra | $8 /month/per extra $6 /month/per extra | $8 /month/per extra $6 /month/per extra |
Extra Branches
$26.4 /month/per extra $20 /month/per extra | $26.4 /month/per extra $20 /month/per extra |
Start with the free plan and you can upgrade your account at any time if you want.
Daftra has several pricing plans that are suitable for all companies. The registration
process is easy and you will start running your company in minutes.