Seek the Expertise to Manage your Company's Accounts in Daftra.

Request provision and management of your Daftra account, or enlist the assistance
of the accounting team to provide accounting consultations and review and audit financial operations in your company.

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No. of Sessions 4 Sessions 8 Sessions 12 Sessions
No. of Hours 8 Hours 16 Hours 24 Hours


Entering basic data (clients + suppliers + products)
Attaching 3000 records in one file.
Configure account settings (payment methods + Treasures and bank accounts +Warehouses + Points of Sale + Branches + Custom Fields)
Auto Reminder rules + commissions + CRM
Accounting (chart of accounts with a maximum of 5 levels for one branch of one entity + assets with a maximum of 30 items + cost centers 30 centers with a maximum of 5 levels + accounts routing)
Reservations, memberships, and subscriptions
الأسعار 750 SAR 1500 SAR 2250 SAR
* The duration of each session should not exceed 2 hours.
* Additional session cost: 375 SAR.






No. of Hours 4 Sessions 8 Sessions 12 Sessions 22 Sessions
No. of Hours 8 Hours 16 Hours 24 Hours 44 Hours


Regular entry of sales invoices
Regular entry of purchase invoices
Entry of incomes and revenues
Designing the accounting cycle
Entry of expenses, journal entries, and purchases
Matching bank accounts, performing reconciliations, and inventory stocktaking
Regular review of entries and processing incoming invoices from points of sale and e-commerce
Issuance of financial and closing reports
Prices 750 SAR 1500 SAR 2250 SAR 4100 SAR
* The duration of each session should not exceed 2 hours.
* Additional session cost: 375 SAR.
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