Partner with Daftra and earn your share

With Daftra Agency and Partnership program, market for Daftra through your own personal website and earn a percentage for each subscription. Customers can register in Daftra through your own website directly, or through a link that you give to your client, your data appears as an agent in your country for all customers on Daftra website.

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How it works

Get your own registration code and manage it through your own website with Daftra Agency program, customers can register in Daftra directly through your own website without linking to Daftra’s website.

Register now

Access your customers' subscription details

View the accounts that are assigned by you from a dedicated dashboard, including customers' phone numbers and their monthly subscriptions, subscribed package details, and your earned commission from each customer. Customers can view your company’s contact numbers so that they can easily communicate with you.

Join our growing list of Daftra agents

Apply for a partnership

Application will be reviewed and approved promptly

Fulfil a one-time payment of $100 worth

We will activate your account and walk you through publishing Daftra on your personal website

Get instant profits for all purchases made through your website

Withdraw your earnings when they reach $50 or more